Friday 2 January 2015

Improved Caspian Gull Photos

Although the gulls are quite close at Shawell when compared to doing a gull roost at a large reservoir, they are still a little distant. Photography is restricted to digiscoping, so my images are generally just record shots. Occasionally a good subject comes closer than normal and the light is OK at the same time. Today I was pleased with my results on the Caspian Gull below. This gull looks to be the same as one that I saw on November 29th 2014 - see Here.

Caspian Gull, Shawell A5 Lagoons, January 2nd 2015 (2015.3)

Caspian Gull (2015.3)
Caspian Gull, Shawell A5 Lagoons, January 2nd 2015 (2015.3)
Caspian Gull, Shawell A5 Lagoons, January 2nd 2015 (2015.3)
As well as a couple of adults there was a third-winter Caspian Gull plus at least three hybrids.

Third-winter Caspian Gull, Shawell A5 Lagoons, January 2nd 2015 (2015.3)

One of the hybrids, an adult, had a perfect primary pattern for a Casp but its bill and head shape were too Herring Gull like. The one in the photo below was a real brute, but its bill was very long and its head was similar to a Casp's although larger. It had dull yellow legs, but lacked an obvious red orbital ring around the eyes and the black of its primaries was too dull for a Yellow-legged Gull. To be honest it is difficult to be sure about some of these funny gulls, but you get a feel for the features if you look at gulls for long enough.

This gull was also present at Shawell on 17/01/15 and it stood close to a very large male Yellow-legged Gull. When stood close by they appeared similar, but floating on the water the YLG sat up high and buoyant, but the suspected hybrid lay flat on the water more like Caspian Gulls do. Perhaps it is part YLG and part Casp. Steve Lister and I debated its identity, but couldn't come up with a clear decision, so it will have to be assigned to the 'interesting gull' pile.

Hybrid Caspian x Herring Gull or Caspian x YLG?

On January 1st I spent a couple of hours at Shawell and surprisingly, as the tip was shut, there were loads of gulls present. Amongst them was an adult Caspian Gull. Whenever possible I like to get a photo and link the posting the photo is in to my Caspian Gull Tally Sheets for 2014 & 2015

Adult Caspian Gull, Shawell A5 Lagoons, January 1st 2015 (2015.1)
Adult Caspian Gull, Shawell A5 Lagoons, January 1st 2015 (2015.1)

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