Saturday 11 January 2014

Parrot Crossbills

It has been a few years since I last saw Parrot Crossbills - 29 to be exact. As a young chap I visited Wells Woods both in 1984 and 85' to see the ones that were breeding there at the time. After all this time I was ready to have another look at this bull-necked beast of a finch. Luckily, as you probably know, there is a small flock of them at Budby Common, Nottinghamshire at the moment. 

I parked up at Budby and headed to the last area they had been reported from. However, it took longer to find the location than I would have liked, but eventually I managed to get good views of them feeding in the pines and drinking from some small puddles.

Male Parrot Crossbill
Female Parrot Crossbill
Male and Female Parrot Crossbills
Male Parrot Crossbill
Parrot Crossbill

1 comment:

  1. Nice shots Carl. You did well to get them coming down to drink, they were very wide-ranging when I saw them.
