I'm not one to be beaten, so I started work early and worked through my lunch break, so I could get over to Shawell again. I was of course trying for a photo of yesterday's Iceland Gull.
There were lots of gulls at the lagoons and while I waited for my target bird a smart adult Med Gull entertained me. This was an un-ringed bird so the second Med Gull in a week.
Ken Reeves arrived, which added a second pair of eyes to the party. Whilst I was reading a colour-ring, Ken spotted the Iceland Gull on the bank. It was the same one was as yesterday and luckily it wasn't in a rush today and my camera worked!
Juvenile Iceland Gull, Shawell A5 Lagoons |
After Ken left a first-winter Caspian Gull arrived. I spotted it in flight and as it was quite active I managed to get some flight shots of it - always a challenge when using a scope for a lens.
First-Winter Caspian Gull |
First-Winter Caspian Gull |
First-Winter Caspian Gull |
First-Winter Caspian Gull |
Good images of the Caspian through the scope Carl.........