
Sunday, 31 May 2020

Camera Trap Update

Since lockdown was relaxed slightly I have managed to work with my camera trap some more. I have now managed to read four colour-rings. The camera has been moved to the feeding zone and as a result the camera is amongst the hordes now. Reading the rings from the photographs has been difficult, but I am slowly getting the camera closer to their legs. So far I have had birds from the Channel Islands, The Netherlands and Wales. CK from The Netherlands was at Shawell last September as a juvenile.

The camera resolution does not compete with a good DSLR, so as you zoom in the detail becomes pixilated. The bright sunshine has also caused problems with shadows etc, but I'm up and running so that's good.

I now need to take care of the battery situation as they are only lasting four days with the amount of action. A solar charger should be available for the camera in July.

Can you spot two Yellow-legged Gulls?

A Fox tried his luck, but the gulls escaped his jaws.

F:581 ringed on Flat Holm Island, Wales

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