
Saturday, 21 May 2016

South-West Leicestershire Bird List Update

Seeing as it's a miserable afternoon I thought I should catch up with some office work. It has been a while since we updated the South-West Leicestershire Bird List. There's not much new apart from maybe a Brent Goose that we hadn't realised had been seen at Shawell a few years back. 

I have also added recent sightings of some of the scarcer species like the long staying Ring Ouzel at The Outwoods, a Whinchat at Brascote and a Grey Plover also at Brascote. It was a shame I was away at the same time the Grey Plover was at Brascote, as this is a species I need for my own personal tally. Adey missed it too, as news of it arrived too late for him to go for it.

If anyone knows anything about the Redstart reported from The Outwoods when the Ring Ouzels were there please let either myself or Adey know.

A pdf can be viewed or saved to your own computer HERE

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