This weekend just gone, I saw something new. Whilst at Shawell I saw a Grey Heron get in the water and do battle with 19 Cormorants for a large fish. The heron was on the bank when one of the Cormorants surfaced with the fish. The other Cormorants tried to steal it, but then the heron flew out and landed in the water and joined in with the struggle. It failed, but it certainly gave it its best shot.
The Hungry Heron
If that wasn't enough, a fox appeared below me and it really was in a bad way - it appeared to be starving. Anyway it looked up at me and didn't have the energy to run off. All of a sudden a buzzard appeared and almost got the fox. It just managed to free itself from the buzzards grasp and run away. However, I don't rate the foxes chances of survival, as it really did look a pitiful thing.
And now for the gulls...